My boys took me on the most beautiful country ride for Mother's Day. I had a song stuck in my head all day but didnt know what it was, i hummed it to Nate once and immediately he knew what it was....he's a musical genius. It was Canned Heat's "Going up the Country". We listened to it over and over again on our really made it. It makes me giggle with excitement every time i hear it, its like instant happiness. These two people are the most important things to me and they made my Mother's Day so very lovely! They also bought me "Little Miss Sunshine" and surprised me with a viewing of Mr. T's "Treat your mother right" makes me cry with laughter every single time. Im the luckiest to be gifted the role as mother in Austin's life and wife in Nate's.

1 messages in a bottle:
your camera is sweet!!! (I remember my cousin scott telling me the word sweet in that context when I was like 12) happy mothers day Ames.
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