Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have had THE worst time with these cursed invitations. I went to hobby lobby and bought supplies to make my own invitations with many ideas in tow. Many that unfortunately required our printer and scanner to not be acting ridiculous. So I couldnt scan...couldnt print. Feeling well defeated in all areas of life especially those of birthday festivities and planning, I decided to go to Target and see what I could find in the likes of already made invites. Not so great, but I found some really girly looking ones with  a cool font on clearance. I bought them and in my delirious state decided to cover the feminine colors with cut up maps of Mexico. yes, scary. I slaved over the counter and the paper cutter for hours, glued and chopped. I stacked them high and then felt like I could cry. They were hilarious, and ridiculous. Ridiculous in that they were invitations to a bowling birthday party and had mexican maps messily glued on the backs and tops. we had a wonderful laugh at it all. 

In the end,  i decided to be done with it and just have Austin draw his weird little man drawings on watercolor paper  and write them out myself. forget it

4 messages in a bottle:

Amelia February 27, 2009 at 6:29 AM  

me and card making don't go well together either. I've resigned myself to making really lame ones.....I like the weird man/clown though.

Amy Stratton-Duling February 27, 2009 at 9:20 AM  

Im so glad Im not alone! Katie is the true genius at card making...I truly needed her. Ive always loved Austins weird man drawings though. He is in this faze where he has a whole bunch of them and names them. Old time Karl, Mustache Bob, Soccer Mom and Stay at home dad, Messy Tom. They are wonderful! I will see you on Tuesday my dear

Rachel H March 3, 2009 at 5:38 PM  

Amy, that actually sounds pretty hilarious.. I would love to have seen the mexican map ones!! haha~ =) They turned out unique and cute with his drawings anyway!

Have a fun time!

Amelia March 4, 2009 at 4:41 AM  

where the bleap were you?

im just kidding. my cell phone died and I lost your phone number so call me on my cell phone soon. like today.